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GO RHINO 5PUTSV151110 Molded Rear Prisoner Seat with Factory Belt (Half Seat)-fits 2015-2018 Chevy Silverado

SKU 5PUTSV151110
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GO RHINO 5PUTSV151110 Molded Rear Prisoner Seat with Factory Belt (Half Seat)-fits 2015-2018 Chevy Silverado
Product Details
Brand: Go Rhino
Vehicle: Chevy Silverado
Year: 2019
Year : 2020
Year : 2021
Year : 2022
Year : 2023

Go Rhino Public Safety's molded seating allows you to have customized prisoner transport seating based on the type of vehicle setup you have. AEDEC’s innovative recessed prisoner arm cavity design makes for a more secure ride, while the low profile design maximizes head and leg room, allowing officers to move prisoners in and out easier. The molded seats are constructed of formed TPO, which is one of the most durable and comfortable plastics on the market, and is less susceptible to cracking than standard ABS plastic. Best of all, they are easy to clean with mild soap and water. The Factory Belting System belts utilize the vehicle’s normal seat belt setup for minimal installation labor. Belts go over the outside shoulder and buckle in the middle of the seat.

AEDEC molded seat with innovative recessed prisoner arm cavity design

Cargo area/trunk close-out panel comes standard with molded seats

Sleek, formfitting trim lines do not require any fillers, gaskets or spacers<div><a href="">Installation Instructions</a>

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